Drone Video of the Week Ep. 18 Winner - Postandfly


The voters have spoken! Every week, we tally the votes in the Drone Video of the Week contest and announce the winner who’ll receive $250 USD, the distinction of having won DVOW, and the promotion of their videos across our broad reach here on AirVuz.com and all of our social platforms.  Winners of DVOW are also automatically nominated for Drone Video of the Month. AirVuz loves to celebrate beautiful drone videos from our community of talented pilots! Congrats Postandfly!

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Congratulations to the episode 18 winner of our Drone Video of the Week: Postandfly for his video “Chiapas.”
Drone pilot Tarsicio Sanudo flew a DJI Inspire 1 with the X5 camera in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas to capture the footage in his winning video. Tarsicio said it was tough to get the footage he needed in the five days he was there because the area received plenty of rain. When the rain let up, though, he was able to fly and showcase the city and the surrounding nature, which includes rainforests and waterfalls.
Tarsicio wins $250 for taking home this week’s prize and is eligible to win our Drone Video of the Month.
Congratulations, Postandfly! Thank you to everyone who voted. See all five Drone Video of the Week, Episode Eighteen Nominees HERE!