Congrats to DVOW Episode 44 Winner, ZilverSchmitz!


100 Days in Africa


Top contributor and drone pilot ZilverSchmitz spent 100 days traveling around southern Africa.  This DVOW winning video of his trip is astounding, featuring dozens of shots from seven different countries. Watch it for magnificent aerial views from across this rapidly-modernizing region, which is home to teeming cities as well as some of the world's most spectacular natural scenery.  Featured sites range from the South African city of Durban to the Maputo–Katembe bridge in Mozambique to the savannas of Kenya.

Watch the DVOW Ep 44 Winner Announcement


Winner! Drone Video of the Week Ep. 44 - ZilverSchmitz

Drone Vide...

The voters have spoken! Every week, we tally the votes on the nominees from our Drone Video of the Week contest and announce the winner who’ll receive $250 USD, the distinction of having won DVOW, and the promotion of their beautiful videos across our broad reach here on and all of our social platforms.  Winners of DVOW are also automatically nominated for Drone Video of the Month. AirVuz loves to celebrate beautiful drone videos from our community of talented pilots!

Watch the DVOW Ep 44 Nominee Announcement


Vote Now! Drone Video of the Week Ep. 44 - Nominees

Drone Vide...

Did you know that every video uploaded to AirVūz is eligible to be nominated for Drone Video of the Week?  Our team at AirVūz headquarters reviews all of the latest videos and selects the very best as nominees for our Drone Video of the Week contest.  Then, we let our enthusiastic community join in on the fanfare by voting for a favorite. Winners are announced shortly thereafter and enjoy prize winnings and promotion across our AirVuz site and social channels.



Luzern. Switzerland. 4K Drone Footage

  • lafar
    • 3.7k VŪZ
    • 23
    • 22
  • almost 5 years ago

Cinematic in Seattle
