Costa de Trasmiera, Ecoparque de Arnuero CANTABRIA (Spain)
See historic and beautiful Trasmiera in this drone video by pilot mikelra. A comarca of Cantabria, Spain, Trasmiera is located east of the Meira River and reaches to the bays of Santander and Santoña, occupying most of the eastern seaboard of Cantabria. Cantabria itself is an autonomous region on the north coast of Spain on the Bay of Biscay. Trasmiera, Cantabria’s coastline is known for its cliffs and incredible beaches with rolling hills inland, as seen throughout this 4K video.
- over 5 years ago
- 842 VŪZ
11 - 11
- Report
En la Costa de Trasmiera en Cantabria Spain está el Ecoparque de Arnuero. Un sitio especial para pasear y observar Aves. Saludos.-
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