Dunluce Castle, N. Ireland (Harrenhal in Game of Thrones)
AirVuz contributor and drone pilot AdventurousDrone created this beautiful aerial video of Dunluce Castle, at the northern tip of Northern Ireland in County Antrim. The now-ruined castle was built in the 13th century and has been the subject of many cultural references. Most recently, it stood in as Harrenhal, the largest castle in Westeros in the HBO Game of Thrones series. The castle has a storied history, having changed hands several times between various baronies that held sway over the region.
- over 7 years ago
- 5.7k VŪZ
23 - 13
- Report
Drone's-eye view of Dunluce Castle (Harrenhal from Game of Thrones) on an extremely windy day. The wind gusts were battering the drone, making flying, let alone smooth video, difficult.
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Dunluce Castle, Northern Ireland
- Portrushgetaway
- 836 VŪZ
12 - 10
- about 4 years ago
Mussenden Temple, N. Ireland (Dragonstone in Season 1 of Game of Thrones)

- AdventurousDrone
- 1.6k VŪZ
18 - 2
- over 7 years ago
Northern Ireland
- 10213002081354141
- 775 VŪZ
19 - 10
- almost 7 years ago
Soarscape - Dunluce Castle

- soarscape
- 762 VŪZ
17 - 10
- over 7 years ago
Dunluce Castle, Dunseverick ruins and Ballintoy, Antrim coast Ireland

- Dronezoneguy
- 1.8k VŪZ
11 - 8
- over 2 years ago
Game of Thrones Filming Locations pt. 2

- AirVūz Social
- 3.3k VŪZ
23 - 4
- almost 6 years ago
Northern Ireland
- Foto_events
- 707 VŪZ
15 - 8
- over 7 years ago
Mussenden Temple!
- Pato.Williams
- 2.4k VŪZ
29 - 27
- almost 7 years ago
Walls of History II: Castillo de Almodóvar del Río

- eminorcks
- 10.9k VŪZ
40 - 22
- over 7 years ago
Downhill Sunset - Benone

- imaginelight
- 1.5k VŪZ
28 - 18
- almost 7 years ago