One of the things making Seattle, Washington such an attractive area is the wealth of outdoor spots around the bustling metro. Here can be found an array of vegetation including Douglas fir, hemlock, western red cedar and ponderosa pine trees. The vibrant colors and variety of lush plants make it the perfect backdrop for any drone flight. Witness this piece by Autel Robotics, who put their EVO to good use creating a memorable portrait of the area's nature.
- almost 6 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
20 - 12
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Capturing the sunshine this weekend near our Seattle office! All drone footage shot on Autel Robotics EVO 4k60p H.265 LOG color profile PolarPro ND Filters Edited using Adobe Premiere CC Learn more at: -- Autel Robotics is based outside Seattle, WA with best in class 7-days-a-week customer support. Follow Autel Robotics on social media:
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Palawan: Shot on EVO

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- Autel Robotics
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Whakaari Island: Shot on EVO

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POLARITY - Presented by Autel Robotics

- Autel Robotics
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Gallery: Shot on EVO

- Autel Robotics
- 2.3k VŪZ
20 - 19
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Snow Day: Shot on EVO

- Autel Robotics
- 2.0k VŪZ
17 - 13
- almost 6 years ago