Saudi Arabia - Johnny FPV
Top first-person view (FPV) pilot and drone racer JohnnyFPV, who travels the world making FPV freestyle videos, created this magnificent video from Mada'in Saleh, an archaeological site in northwestern Saudi Arabia. With full permission from the requisite authorities, he gives us a unique view of one of the most iconic desert landscapes from the vantage of a quad-mounted GoPro. This was the winning video in the 2nd Annual Drone Video Awards in the Cinematic FPV category and was FPV Video of the Year.
- over 6 years ago
- 32.7k VŪZ
130 - 39
- Report
Saudi Arabia has some of the craziest landscape I’ve ever seen. I basically turned into a Star Wars pod racer while flying over these rock formations and through the canyons🛸. A HUGE thank you to @jayalvarrez for inviting me on this adventure, and @gatewayksa for hosting us. Music: @odesza - Thin Floors and Tall Ceilings. @brendonhayward @kasey @missnellevz @julieberry #getfpv #lumenier #airvuz #hobbywing #futaba #saudiarabia Please note that the sites of Madain Saleh are currently closed to the public whilst the Royal Commission develops the area to allow for future tourism. I received an official invitation allowing me to film and document these sites to share it with you.
Up Next
Oil and Gas freestyle - Nezar Tash - Saudi Arabia

- nezartash
- 1.9k VŪZ
3 - 3
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Earth Valley - NezarTash

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Jeddah Season SHOWREEL
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Fireworks from different angle
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Dates Farm
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Wake up, Its your time (NezarTash)
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Neom City - Saudi Arabia vision 2030 - NezarTash
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16 - 12
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The Art of Stunt- NezarTash

- nezartash
- 1.2k VŪZ
4 - 2
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historian developer of FPV ( Saudi Arabia) NezarTash
- nezartash
- 1.3k VŪZ
21 - 29
- over 4 years ago
Can I Get it? KAFD: Most Insane Playground Towers in Saudi Arabia - Nezar Tash FPV

- nezartash
- 1.7k VŪZ
10 - 14
- about 1 year ago