Terrible Tilly
Take in this aerial video of what was once one of the most well-known lighthouses in the USA's Pacific Northwest. It's the Tillamook Rock Lighthouse, and it sits on a tiny island about 2 km (around 1.2 mi.) off the coast of Oregon in Tillamook County. When completed in 1881, it was the most expensive lighthouse on the West Coast. It soon garnered the nickname "Terrible Tilly" due to the dangers involved in reaching the island in inclement weather. Now inactive, it's listed in the National Historic Register.
- about 6 years ago
- 922 VŪZ
11 - 7
- Report
In 1881, Tillamook Rock Lighthouse first lit the northern Oregon coast. With its precarious location and a treacherous commute, it came to be known as Terrible Tilly. Terrible Tilly stayed lit until a storm hurled a boulder through its lens in 1934, and was permanently decommissioned in 1957. The final entry in the logbook reads: “Farewell, Tillamook Rock Light Station. An era has ended. With this final entry, and not without sentiment, I return thee to the elements. You, one of the most notorious and yet fascinating of the sea-swept sentinels in the world; long the friend of the tempest-tossed mariner. Through howling gale, thick fog and driving rain your beacon has been a star of hope and your foghorn a voice of encouragement. May the elements of nature be kind to you. For 77 years you have beamed your light across desolate acres of ocean. Keepers have come and gone; men lived and died; but you were faithful to the end. May your sunset years be good years. Your purpose is now only a symbol, but the lives you have saved and the service you have rendered are worthy of the highest respect. A protector of life and property to all, may old-timers, newcomers and travelers along the way pause from the shore in memory of your humanitarian role.” See more on my IG: @sangye
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