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The Beginning | Pacific Northwest | Oregon | Mavic 2
- over 6 years ago
- 13.4k VŪZ
7 - 6
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So have not posted a video in a while as I have just gotten my DJI Mavic 2 and have slowly been getting the pieces together, filters and batteries N such. Still getting everything else flight wise dialed in. So this will be my first video with the Mavic2. Handed down the reigns to my Mavic Pro to my dad it flew just about 1000 miles with me and now hopefully 1000 more with my dad. Good luck pops! Flight lessons soon for you!
Up Next
Water's Gift | Henline Falls | Pacific Northwest | Oregon | NFM

- Michael Roth
- 10.0k VŪZ
8 - 4
- almost 6 years ago
The Pacific Northwest's Tumalo Falls | Oregon

- Michael Roth
- 13.9k VŪZ
13 - 10
- over 6 years ago
All Around Us is Beauty | Oregon | Pacific Northwest | North Fork Media

- Michael Roth
- 12.8k VŪZ
7 - 4
- almost 6 years ago
1000 Miles | Oregon | Pacific Northwest

- Michael Roth
- 14.4k VŪZ
12 - 13
- about 6 years ago
Alone on a Mountain Top | Oregon | Pacific Northwest | Mt. Jefferson

- Michael Roth
- 17.6k VŪZ
18 - 6
- over 6 years ago
It Has Been Awhile | Pacific Northwest | Oregon | North Fork Media

- Michael Roth
- 1.3k VŪZ
15 - 25
- over 5 years ago
Crystal Waters | Oregon | Clear Lake | Koosah Falls | Sahalie Falls | Pacific Northwest

- Michael Roth
- 14.2k VŪZ
11 - 6
- over 6 years ago
Painting Through My Eye | Oregon

- Michael Roth
- 14.2k VŪZ
15 - 13
- over 6 years ago
The Pacific Northwest's | Mt. Jefferson | Oregon | Pacific Crest Trail

- Michael Roth
- 13.4k VŪZ
12 - 9
- over 6 years ago
Road Trip | Oregon | Pacific Northwest

- Michael Roth
- 1.1k VŪZ
17 - 21
- over 5 years ago