The Drone Dish: ArtbyArtLA
- over 8 years ago
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Ryan Hoag talks to Art Khachatourov, AKA ArtbyArtLA here on AirVūz, for this episode of the Drone Dish. Learn how Art uses drones for his commercial and real estate photography business and what some of his favorite subjects to photograph are. For more information you can visit his website: www.artbyartla.com
Check out all of Art's uploads here
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And for more amazing aerial views, check out AirVūz.com VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Interviewer: Welcome to The Drone Dish. Today, we have Art by Art L.A., but we just call him, Art. Art, thanks for joining us. Art: Hey, good morning, guys. Interviewer: Morning, or, afternoon for us. You're in L.A., which means, you're already winning in life, because we're in Minnesota, and we have winter, but you're a professional photographer, and drones have impacted your life greatly. [00:00:30] How so? Art: Well, it's environmentally friendly way to get shots from above, a bird's eye, without having to rent helicopters, which are quiet, non-disturbing, non-invasive way to capture a photo for me, personally. And I absolutely love it. Interviewer: [00:01:00] You have your own website, artbyartla.com, which promotes your residential photography. What else do you encompass on that? Art: I do commercial properties, as well. I also sell artwork. I've sold artwork to a gym that I actually go to. My artwork has been bought by condo buildings, to display in their lobbies, by doctor's offices, [00:01:30] dental office, and such. Interviewer: When it comes to still photography, drones, still, I assume, can be very beneficial, in that realm. How so for you? Art: Well, it's beneficial for me, because, for what I do, like, residential real estate photography, or commercial real estate photography, it gives me an ability to show and help the agent sell property, almost twice as fast. Because [00:02:00] we sell, not only the house, it gives us ability to sell the neighborhood, and the surrounding area, given the broader view of what a perspective buyer is looking at. Interviewer: And, speaking of broader view, you've uploaded a video, Santa Monica Pier, which is very popular, and something that I really appreciated, because I've been there, but I've never seen it from above. Where was your reputation for that? Art: Well, I've been in L.A. for 22 years, and I drive [00:02:30] a lot. I always love driving, and I end up places that I've been many times before, and now that I have a drone, I try to capture it from a different view, just for my own good, because I just love the view from above. I just can't get enough of it. Interviewer: And Los Angeles: My Home is another video that you've uploaded. Take us through that video. How did you come up with those shots? How did you edit it? Why did you edit it that way? Art: [00:03:00] I love L.A. Many people hear, "L.A.," and I always hear people talk negatively, and it's, most of it, because, yes, we do have a traffic. A lot of people don't realize that half of a state population lives within 125 miles of L.A. That's 23 million people. So, I just like to show the pretty part of L.A., and I want to take that stigma of negativity from L.A., and I want to share how beautiful it is, whether it's daytime or nighttime. Interviewer: [00:03:30] How about a favorite video you've uploaded to Air Views? Art: I do like the one that I annexed my drone shots. Some of them have lit up parts of Chicago, but the main shot was the fly-in above Point [Sierra 00:03:45] Lighthouse, and then, flying in Los Osos Sanctuary, above the birds. That was, like, surreal, though. I had goose bumps when I was flying above that. It was absolutely amazing. Interviewer: Do you have a signature [00:04:00] shot? Or are you more of a drone-y guy, or are you the panorama type? Art: I have many panos, but I do have a couple of favorite shots. I finished shooting all the piers of Southern California, so there's about 27 of them, and I'm working on a book right now. I love piers. There's something so magnificent about them. It sort of brings people, where a human meets the ocean. Interviewer: [00:04:30] Awesome. Art: Intense. I love that. Interviewer: Yeah. Well, Art, we love your work, and we appreciate you being a part of our community, and we look forward to more uploads soon. Art: Thank you very much, guys, you guys have a fantastic Friday.
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