The University of Texas at Austin
Contributor Patrick_Nye used a drone to create this bird's eye tour of the University of Texas at Austin, the main campus of the UT system and one of the largest in the world. The campus is visually dominated by its nearly 100 meter (about 300 ft.) Main Building. Known as The Tower, it was the site of one of the earliest instances of a mass shooting in the USA: in 1966, an ex-marine sniper perched on the observation deck shot 16 bystanders to death and injured dozens more before being killed by police.
- almost 9 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
12 - 8
- Report
The University of Texas at Austin as seen from above.
Up Next
Graffiti Park in Austin

- Patrick_Nye
- 954 VŪZ
18 - 13
- almost 9 years ago
University of Houston

- Lone Star Drones
- 1.2k VŪZ
22 - 13
- over 5 years ago
Austin Aerial Tour 2020 in 4K - Austin, Texas

- HerronSkyView
- 1.2k VŪZ
18 - 14
- almost 5 years ago
Downtown Austin, TX

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La Ventana Natural Arch

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Corvette Spec Commercial

- sawyer11
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Rice University, Houston

- Lone Star Drones
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Houston, Texas

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- Ryan's Ridiculous
- 712 VŪZ
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