Trevor Bauer vs. Nurk FPV | A battle of Speed and Precision

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What happens when a professional racing drone pilot and a professional baseball player meet up? A battle of speed and precision.

Earlier this summer Drone Racing League champion NurkFPV and MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer squared up against one another at a bando in Cleveland; AirVuz was there to capture the drama.

In addition to being one of the league’s top pitchers, Bauer is also a skilled FPV pilot. His passion for flying drones was on display during the American League Championship Series in 2016 after an injury from repairing his drone resulted in a lacerated finger.

NurkFPV was the 2018 DRL Champion and is sponsored by Team AirVūz.

When they connected, they faced off with Trevor throwing his best fastball at Nurk’s DRL Racer 3.

Bauer succeeding in taking the drone down, while the two bonded over their mutual appreciation for drone sport.