Wave Sharin' is Carin'
If you think that dolphins always stay away from the surf line, you'll need to watch this video. Australian contributor and drone pilot Jaimen filmed a large group of dolphins swimming off the shore in Australia. They repeatedly ride the surf in and then break away seconds before getting beached, literally leaping out of the water to do so. This video was a 2017 Drone Video Award Animal Category Nominee. It was filmed in Western Australia, home of some of the world's best dolphin-watching waters.
- over 7 years ago
- 7.5k VŪZ
104 - 60
- Report
Dolphin Party Wave.
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Drone Video Awards' Nominees: Animals

- AirVūz Official
- 14.0k VŪZ
32 - 14
- about 7 years ago
2016 sure was a beauty!

- Jaimen
- 12.1k VŪZ
94 - 54
- almost 8 years ago
Dolphin Haze

- Jaimen
- 2.5k VŪZ
45 - 22
- over 8 years ago
TopVūz: October 13th

- Rusty & Allie
- 2.1k VŪZ
44 - 15
- over 7 years ago
Paddle Boarding with Whales, Esperance Island Cruises

- Jaimen
- 40.5k VŪZ
114 - 77
- over 8 years ago
Australia's Pink Lake Hillier

- Jaimen
- 14.1k VŪZ
67 - 45
- over 8 years ago
Floating in the breeze

- Jaimen
- 605 VŪZ
23 - 12
- over 8 years ago
Drones Over Dolphins 🐬

- AirVūz Social
- 1.9k VŪZ
35 - 12
- over 6 years ago
Cabo Mondego
- aeronauten-tv.de
- 1.8k VŪZ
28 - 18
- almost 8 years ago
Nazare, Portugal
- Precisefootage
- 607 VŪZ
9 - 3
- over 7 years ago