YourVūz: Thankful
- about 8 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
19 - 11
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Thankful! We are thankful for you! Join YourVūz hosts Rusty Kath and Allie Krings as they showcase all the things you are thankful for! And wow! What a variety! From beaches, to snow, to fpv, colleges and life! We truly do have SO much to be thankful for! And... someone will be thankful for the $500 and have even more reasons to be thankful! Watch the episode to find out who!
Congrats to the vūzers whose videos were featured! Thank you for uploading and sharing what you are thankful for!
Want to watch the featured full length videos? Here they are:
Aerial Videography ~ Portugal 2016 - yin090
Makapuu Beach with the Chroma 4k - videosophy
Fox Bend Golf Course - buddb
Sculpture by the sea 2016 Bondi - skys_feed
"Adults only" Foam Party! - ridinhigh
Winter Dronie - hopenorway
Snow is Here - milunichphotography
Winter has arrived! (DJI Mavic Pro, ActiveTrack) - highflyingrunner
Thankful for FPV - Day 2 - Quadcopter Freestyle - TwansFPV
Thanksgiving Flight - Netecho
Fall Campus Tour | Central Michigan University - garci1jd
University of Louisiana at Lafayette: A different Perspective - JOPProductions
Thankful - christer_isulat
You may be wondering, how do I get the chance to win!?! Check back on January 4, 2017 for February's topic and instructions on how to be eligible!
To watch past episodes or the new weekly show TopVūz, click here.
To see all of the best aerial footage on AirVūz, visit AirVūz.com.
Stay With Me by Valesco https://soundcloud.com/valesco_official
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators https://youtu.be/eIksp1DY9Do
Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Rusty: Thanks for clicking in to, YourVuz. Ally: Yes thank you for joining us. Rusty: [Spanish 00:00:09] Ally: [French 00:00:10] Rusty: [German 00:00:10] Ally: [Italian 00:00:11] Rusty: [Hawaiian 00:00:12] Ally: [Norwegian 00:00:13] Rusty: What's that? Ally: Norwegian. Rusty: Oo, well done. Ally: [Norwegian 00:00:18] Rusty: Thanks for that. And thanks to everybody who submitted aerial videos for this episode. Ally: Because of course our challenge topic was, thankful. Rusty: And we are thankful we can start the show with these videos. Ally: [00:00:30] That was nicely done. Rusty: [Russian 00:00:31] Ally: What you call me? Rusty: No, it's Russian. Ally: No, I'm not Russian. Rusty: Not you it ... Could we just run the first videos. Ally: I'm German and I'm Irish. Rusty: You [00:01:30] know what really annoys me? Ally: Most things. Rusty: That's true isn't it? Ally: Yeah, but what in particular? Rusty: Okay when it comes to thank you's, [00:02:00] when people say, "We would like to thank you." Ally: Okay so why does that bother you? Rusty: Cause just thank them. Don't say, "I would like to thank you.", "I want to thank you.", just thank them. If you want to do it just do it. Ally: Yeah, I guess. Rusty: It sounds like there's more coming. Like we would like to thank you for tuning in, but, we're busy sitting at this desk. Ally: Yeah, I think it's just a phrase. Rusty: Well it's a dumb phrase. Ally: Well, I would like to thank you for pointing that out, but that would be a waste of my time. Rusty: See that's a much better way to use it. Ally: Thanks. [00:02:30] And I would like to thank our next drone pilots, for their submissions. So I will. Thank you. Rusty: Thanks for using it correctly. Ally: [00:03:00] Do you know what my [00:03:30] favorite part about this show is? Rusty: I'm gonna guess that it's not, that you get to host it with me. Ally: Correct. Rusty: Alright, I figured. So, what is your favorite part of the show? Ally: That we really do get to see people's views from all around the world. Rusty: You know I was thinking about this the other day. That drones really show us, a perspective that we never get to see in everyday life. Ally: And AirVuz's pilots show us how those views differ from across the globe. Rusty: I bet that is why we call this show, YourVuz. Ally: Rusty, you're brilliant. [00:04:00] 24 episodes and you finally figured it out. Rusty: Thank you. [Japanese 00:04:05] Ally: You're a gato. Rusty: No. Anyways, our next video submissions are from people who are thankful for their 2017 travels. [Japanese 00:04:14] means, thank you in Japanese. Ally: You're a [Spanish 00:04:18] means, you're a cat in Spanish. Rusty: [00:05:30] New Year's Eve comin up, big plans? Ally: You know, I'm just gonna spend some time with my friends and family. Rusty: Ahhh, that's sweet. You know what, a lot of our pilots were really thankful this last year, that they got to share their drones with their friends and family. Ally: [00:06:30] Once again you [00:07:00] did a great job, by taking our challenge topic, putting your unique twist on it and showing us your view. Rusty: Yeah but alas, there can only be one winner. So let's meet our finalists. Up first it's, FlyLife, who's thankful for the art of flight. Ally: Next up is, Sky Spirit, who is thankful [00:07:30] for the natural diversity of his country. As he brings us, Romanian aerial landscapes. Rusty: Our third finalist comes from, Bashir Abshaka, who brings us his best shots of 2017. Ally: Our last finalist comes [00:08:00] from, Merr Watson, with the land of fire and ice, Iceland. Rusty: Alright, so four great finalists. I mean you got FlyLife, who always sends in great stuff. And I love seeing those Romanian landscapes from Sky Spirit. Ally: Well I love Merr Watson, she really showed us her story, with her travels in the mountains. I love driving with her. Seeing the hand, who [00:08:30] hasn't done that? Am I right? Rusty: Mm-hmm (affirmative). However, the committee has spoken. And our winner for this episode comes from, Bashir Abshaka, with is best shots of 2017. Though it's somewhat of a somber note, as he lost somebody very close to him this year. Ally: [Spanish 00:08:44] Rusty: No, not his cat. His drone. Ally: Well I hope that $500, will help him buy a new drone. Rusty: Yeah! Congratulations Bashir Abshaka, you just won 500 bucks and the Thankful episode. Ally: [00:09:00] And that brings us to the end of our, Thankful episode. Rusty: Ally, I mean it when I say this. I am genuinely thankful, that I get to host this show with you. Ally: Oo, well I'm thankful you get to host it with me too. Rusty: Thanks for that. Ally: [foreign language 00:09:17] Rusty: Swedish. Ally: No, I'm still German and Irish. Rusty: And thanks for that. And from all of us at, YourVuz, thank you for continuing to show us the world from your view. Ally: We'll see you soon.
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