Two Years in Africa


Former DVOW Winner and 2023 DVOY nominee davetke2002 brings us this compilation of drone video clips taken over the course of a two year period working in Sub-Saharan Africa.  The video opens with shots of Victoria Falls, on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia.  Then you'll see safari animals in Botswana, a landlocked country just south of the falls.  At the 1:42 mark, you'll head to the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius.  Starting at 2:38, you'll see a number of spots in Namibia, before winding up in Cape Town, South Africa.  

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I currently work for the US Foreign Service as an IT engineer. I just recently wrapped up a 2 year tour in Africa where I got to experience some unique places, my next tour will be in Asia where I will get to experience more of the world. My managment wanted me to come up with a complilation video of all my experiences here in the continent to hopefully bring awareness to Africa's natural beauty and for recruiting purposes. It is very hard to get people to come here and if they only knew about this place, more people in droves would come. 

The video has a mixture of new content mixed in with old content. I hope you, the Airvuz audience, enjoy it and will hopefully consider taking a trip out to the motherland.