DJI Mini 3 Pro visits Greenan Castle, South Ayrshire, Scotland

  • 11 months ago
  • 515 VŪZ
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Greenan Castle was built in 1603 for John Kennedy of Baltersan Castle, 10 miles southeast. The Kennedy's became the largest land owners in southwest Scotland, with over 10 Castles. It is unclear if John Kennedy completely built this Castle, or extended a Castle that had already been built on this site. All that is left is the main Tower, with the foundations of a larger Building next to the Tower. The area inland has a number of Mounds, thought to be where a small Village would have been built around the Castle. It is also believed there would have been a wall around the Castle and Village. The Villagers would pay rent and fight for the owner of the Castle when required. 1766 - Thomas Kennedy, Earl of Cassillis, gained control of Greenan Castle, with the Castle from that time falling into disrepair, then abandoned. The Castle looking south to the Heads of Ayr Cliffs, a popular Walk, you can also walk past the Cliffs to Dunure 6 miles south. The entrance to the Castle has been bricked up now as you are not supposed to enter for safety reasons.

In the video you will see the kids throwing at the Castle. They are actually throwing £1 of 1p 2p and 5p coins. We call it our Castle Tax hopefully who knows may be found in the future.