While there is some debate on the subject, most date the dawn of the age of first person view (FPV) drone flight to 2015. That was the year that a top pilot with the oddly-named handle of Charpu became a phenomenon on YouTube, that the first Drone Nationals FPV races were held on the California State Fair grounds, and the Atlanta Makers' Fair drone race. The following year, things really broke loose: the Dubai Drone Prix with its $1 million of prize money in March of 2016, followed by the Drone Nationals on New York's Governors' Island, some prominent FPV drone exposure on the Science Channel series Droned, and the ill-fated Drone Worlds in Hawaii. To take a walk down memory lane, check out this collection of videos from the early years of FPV. Aerial photo: "Let's Fly" by AirVuz contributor and FPV pilot johnnyfpv.
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