Almonacid Castle (Toledo, Spain)
Almonacid Castle is an important province in the Toledo province of central Spain. It is believed to have been built fairly early in the Moorish reign over Spain. Its name derives from an association with the great knight El Cid, the hero of the Reconquesta during which Christian forces ejected the Muslims from Spain. The castle was later a place of refuge for Spanish soldiers fighting the French in the Napoleonic Peninsular Wars, a French victory which is inscribed in the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
- over 5 years ago
- 188 VŪZ
5 - 4
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Castillo de Almonacid, situado en Almonacid de Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha). A unos 20 kms de Toledo. Se trata de un castillo de origen musulmán, que actualmente se encuentra parcialmente en ruinas. Aunque el castillo en sí no está abierto, se puede acceder a él a través de una abertura en la muralla. El castillo se encuentra a la venta con un precio simbólico, siempre que el comprador se comprometa a restaurarlo por completo. ************************************************************* Realizado con: dron Fimi X8 SE (4K) Editado y etalonado con: Adobe Premiere Pro Música: Shrimp Rich by septahelix (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/septahelix/59735 Ft: PerchanceMusic
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