Patagonia Argentina Snow Adventure
- over 6 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
18 - 13
- Report
Some say winter is a cruel mistress, they curse it underneath a mountain of blankets in the long winter months, lone for the days of summer, shorts, a beach. Then there's others, who seek it, who’s veins course with crystalline powder ice, hairs standing on end just thinking of slicing pristine white with a steel edge. They find winter can take you to places you've never thought possible. It tests the limits of your physical and mental endurance. It's ignites a common bond that breeds instant friendships for those who share a similar passion. It conjures and insatiable drive of throwing just one more laid out turn, exploring that next ridge, and slashing that next chute. This where the constant circling thoughts of everyday life peel away, and you find yourself, just you and new found few friends standing on the top a mountain, at the top of the world; where you feel like you’re the only ones who've ever been there. This is when I headed south, in the dog days of summer, flying far away from 90 degree days with the top rolled down, to Argentina to chase winter, to force ice through my veins, to make new friends, and push my limits. This video was filmed on location in Argentina touring off-pitse from Cerro Bayo, Cerro Chapelco, and Cerro Catedral, August 14-21st 2018 with the PowderQuest Argentina Snow Adventure Lift Assisted Tour.. For more information on PowderQuest South American and Japan shredding tours check out: https://powderquest.com/ Thanks for watching, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! Filmed with DJI Mavic Air, LG V30, GoPro Hero 5 Session, GoPro Hero 4 Silver, and Zhiyun Smooth 4. Music: Intro/Credits AK "New Age" Check out AK's youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCidu... AK's SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/aljoshakonstanty Main Movie: Middle Class Run "No Sale" Check out Middle Class Rut: https://mcrut.com/ ~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Also check out my other PowderQuest Adventure from the Frontier Las Lenas Tour: https://youtu.be/X3Oh1OftckM Please check me out on Instagram for more short videos and rad drone and action sports photos! https://www.instagram.com/baksidedisaster -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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