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Unforgettable Baikal
Prepare to be blown away by this collage of winter aerial views of Russia's Lake Baikal, compliments of top contributor and drone pilot DroneProduction.ru. The video opens with an epic shot of some giant rock formations of this natural wonder in Siberia, the world's largest freshwater lake by water volume. From there, you'll be taken over the frozen lake and its shoreline to see, among other things, some epic "drifting" action as well as an ice hovercraft (starting at about :50!). This video won DVOW in May 2019.
- over 5 years ago
- 3.7k VŪZ
70 - 76
- Report
Ice and rocks, rocks and ice - that's all you can see on winter icebound lake Baikal. But in this simplicity you can find a lot dimensions of beauty for watching, admire, film, stare taking your breath away. You can get unstoppable inspire and admiration by icy caves and grottoes on islands near Olhon, unbelievable ice purity and smoothness with fractal geometry shapes when you can't figure out how big or small particles are. You can slide on ski hundred meters or kilometers over non boundless ice. You can feel touch of ancient world seeing big rocks and old trees seems staying here from the prehistoric time. This treasure deserve been seeing but more important to be saved. This video won DVOW & DVOM in May 2019 at AirVuz.com. (Rus)************ Скалы и лед, лед и скалы единственное, что можно увидеть зимой на скованном льдами Байкале. Но, в них такое разнообразие и красота для созерцания и съемки, что больше ничего и не надо. Можно просто бесконечно рассматривать и восхищаться ледяными пещерами и гротами на островах поблизости с Ольхоном, неверятной гладкостью и прозрачностью льда, ее замысловатым геометрическим рисункам, возможности скользить на коньках сотни метров и даже километры ничем не ограниченного пространства, ощущать присутствие древнего мира , видя округлые скалы-хребты и старые деревья в районе Песчаной бухты. Это чудо, которое стоит увидеть и еще важнее его сохранить. Drone pilot & montage: Aleksandr Malkov Drone operator: Tanya Shkondina Shoot on DJI Inspire 2
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