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Safari Life on Tanzania's Serengeti


The Zebra's and Wildebeest of the Serengeti


Multiple Drone Video of the Week Winner davetke2002 brings us this stunning drone video from the famous Serengeti of Tanzania, Africa.  The video was filmed over mingling herds of zebra's and wildebeest, both of which are native only to eastern and southern Africa.  The Serengeti covers about 12k square mi. (around 30k square km) in the northern part of the country.  It is the home of the world's largest annual animal migration, which typically encompasses over a quarter million zebra's and roughly seven times that many wildebeest. 

Safari Lodge in Botswana


Hideaways Mogotlho Safari Lodge

Sandrine H...

Award-winning content creator Sandrine Hecq brings us this fantastic drone video tour of a lodge in the heart of Africa's safari country.  The Hideaways Mogotlho Safari Lodge is located on the Khwai River in Mababe, Botswana.  It's situated in a region of national parks and preserves in the northern part of the country, not far from the country's northern border with Angola.  Featuring luxurious tented camps, the lodge offers environmentally friendly access to diverse safari wildlife ranging from hippo's and giraffes to lions and zebras.  

South Africa's Kruger National Park


Drone Safari - Kruger National Park


Kruger National Park is a gigantic wild game preserve in northeastern South Africa, covering parts of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces.  At over 11k square km (over 7k square mi), the great park is roughly the size of the USA state of New Jersey.  Contrbutor Beemflights used a drone to create this epic aerial tour of this amazing  park, which teems with wildlife and is considered the world's largest reserve park.  Watch this drone video and you will see many many wild animal species from an entirely new (aerial) perspective.  

DVA Winner from Namibia


Kingdom Of The Wild - Wildlife in Namibia Africa


Award-winning contributor and drone pilot Mike Bishop was supported by DJI to make this incredible film of wildlife in Namibia in southern Africa.  Shot on the Erindi game reserve, it features elephants, lions, cheetahs, hyenas, ostriches, crocodiles, other exotic animals only found in Africa.  Chosen as a winner of the AirVuz Drone Video of the Week and Drone Video of the Month, it went on to win the Drones for Good category in the second annual Drone Video Awards and was named the Drone Video of the Year.

Wild Elephants in Kenya


Wild Elephant Encounters Phantom 4

Dice Trave...

Among other things, Kenya is known for its spectacular wildlife.  It is home to some of the world's largest populations of species such as  lions, leopard, buffalo, and rhinoceros.  Unfortunately, some of these species are under pressure due to poaching and land encroachment.  Contributor Dice Travels put together this beautiful drone video of Kenya's elephants, which have suffered due to the demand for ivory.  Elephant hunting has been banned in Kenya since 1973 and carries severe penalties.  

Wildlife in South America's Altiplano


Altiplano's Wildlife 4K

FreD ./....
  • FreD ./.
    • 4.9k VŪZ
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  • over 6 years ago

Contributor and pilot FreD served up this epic video of the wildllife of the Altiplano in northern Chile.  Also known as the Andean Plain or the Bolivian Plain, the Altiplano is a key component of the Andes Mountain system.  It is the second largest high plateau in the world after the Tibetan Plateau.  It is dominated by vicuna and llama herding, species which you'll see in abundance in this spectacular video.  Most of the Antiplano territory is in Bolivia and Peru; it covers only a small amount of territory in Chile.

Safari Animals in Kenya


Spirit of Kenya

iDrone Aer...

Behold this magnificent aerial tour of Kenya, compliments of top contributor iDrone Aerials.  He was able to fly a drone over some of the top spots for seeing safari animals in this African nation: Masai Mara National Park on the Serengeti, Lake Nakuru National Park in the Rift Valley, Lake Naivashi, and the Amboseli National Park.  Watch it and you will see some incredible views of hippo's, zebras, elephants, giraffes, buffalo, lions, and more. This video was nominated for Drone Video of the Week.

Elephants in Tanzania




Aerial views of this parade of elephants, from contributor zekedrone, reveals the strength, loyalty, and beauty of these amazing creatures! High above the plains of Tanzania in Sub-Saharan Africa, we watch as the elephant family roams across the vast landscape sticking together. It's fun to watch as the youngsters of the group quicken their steps to keep up with the elders' longer strides in this video.  This video was selected as a Finalist for the Drone Video of the Week contest in November, 2018.

Zebras in Botswana


Zebras of Botswana - Chobe

FreD ./....
  • FreD ./.
    • 2.8k VŪZ
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  • over 7 years ago

The mid-sized African country of Botswana has some of the largest populations of safari animals.  Many of these animals live on large game preserves and in national parks which dot the landlocked country in the southern part of the continent.  Perhaps the most important of these is Chobe National Park, the first national park in the country and now its third largest.  In this video, content creator and drone pilot FreD ...///... does a phenomenal job of filming a herd of zebras in the great park. 

Kenya's Tsavo National Park



  • Kukso66
    • 2.2k VŪZ
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  • about 7 years ago

Ride along with contributor and drone pilot Kukso66 for an epic aerial tour of Kenya's Tsavo National Park, one of the most storied safari destinations in Africa.  The largest and oldest Kenyan park, it covers almost 14k square km (around 5k square mi.) in the southern part of the country.  The park is primarily covered in grasslands and savanna, and it's known throughout the world both for its stunning rock formations as well as for its large safari mammal population, notably the famous Tsavo Lions.   

Tanzania's Safari Animals


Safaris of Tanzania

Ty Poland...

Although it is less than a minute in length, this piece by contributor and drone pilot Ty Poland brings you over a dozen aerial views of some of the safari animals in Tanzinia. The east African country is known for its seemingly endless wilderness areas (particularly the vast Serengeti grasslands) and is a home to thousands upon thousands of what are known as the "big five" safari animal species - elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards, and buffalo. We'd call this video an adventure to remember for Ty and his crew. 

Safari in Kenya's Masai Country


Safari Masai Mara Kenya 03/2018

  • Kukso66
    • 1.7k VŪZ
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  • almost 7 years ago

Contributor Kukso66 used drone and ground camera footage to create this video record of a trip to Kenya's  famous Maasai Mara game reserve.  It's situated in the southwestern part of the country, bordering Tanzania's Serengeti National Park.  The reserve covers just over 1.5k square km (around 580 square mi.).  It's home to a substantial large cat population, and is directly in the path of the annual Great Migration by which wildebeests, zebras, and related animals travel in and out of the Serengeti.



The Evolve by XDynamics Global

Ty Poland...

Evolve Shot to Shot

Ty Poland...

VLOG: First 24 Hours in Namibia

  • GAPiT
    • 2.8k VŪZ
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  • over 8 years ago

South Africa


Namibia Areal
